This calorie calculator is made for people who try to achieve their weight loss goals and want to know how many calories they burn during different types of activities (for example, calorie burn calculator for walking, running, hiking, swimming, biking, cycling, rope jumping and many more).
Exercise calorie burn calculator can be very helpful for those who work out daily because it shows how many calories they burn during strength training, heavy weight lifting and different types of cardio.
Note: Everyone’s resting metabolic rate differs slightly — some people of the same weight
naturally burn more or fewer calories, depending on a number of factors, and these differences
can be significant.
How to calculate how many calories you burn?
To know that, first, calculate your weight in kilograms — 1 kg is 2.2 lbs, but you can always type
“X pounds to kg” into Google, with X being your weight, to get a number.
After that, choose an activity from the dropdown menu, and you’ll get an amount of calories you burn during performing this activity (for an hour and for 30 minutes).
This calculation relies on a key value known as a MET, which stands for metabolic equivalent. One “MET” is “roughly equivalent to the energy cost of sitting quietly,” according to the Compendium, and can be considered 1 kcal/kg/hour. Since sitting quietly is one MET, a 70 kg person would burn 70 calories (kcal) if they sat quietly for an hour.
If you want to manually calculate other types of activities (that a not listed in the calculator above), you can look up your activity on the Compendium. There’s a dropdown menu on the site labeled “Activity Categories.” Under that menu, you’ll see a long list of categories, starting with bicycling and finishing with volunteer activities. If you open up a category, you can see the activities that fall under it.
To find the MET value, you can consult a MET table or estimate the value based on how you
feel during exercise:
● If you can carry on a conversation while exercising, you’re likely doing the activity with
light to moderate effort. This would give you a MET value of 3.5.
● If you find that you’re out of breath while doing exercises, your effort is a more vigorous
one. The MET value may increase to as much as 8.0 or even more.