Many people have heard about detox drinks for weight loss as a unique method that helps you to shed extra pounds faster. I would like to go into the depth of detox and share some recipes you can use to drink more water and at the same time to cleanse your body.
As you probably know from my previous posts, I don’t believe in any miracle ways to lose weight. I used to believe in it at the beginning of my fitness journey and always searched for some “magic pills”. But in reality, I became fit and slim only when I started exercising regularly, eating healthy (mostly) and managing my hormones. Though there are some tricks and hacks to create such a lifestyle and make it a habit. That’s what this blog was made for.
So just as a disclaimer, I want to warn you that detox for weight loss alone won’t make a huge difference. But as a part of a healthy routine, it can help you to enhance your results and improve health. Anyway, it’s a good idea to incorporate detox drinks for a faster weight loss.
What is detox for weight loss?

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Detox is a method to cleanse the body of toxins by drastically changing your diet for a short period of time. The most popular and effective detox programs
Even though there are many different detox plans they usually include the same rules. First of all, you should follow a certain diet. The aim is to eliminate products that cause you to store toxins and replace them with healthy foods. I will discuss it in more details further in this post.
Second, you have to take regular baths, go to SPA-procedures, have healthy sleep and relax in many other ways. It is also recommended to consume a lot of liquid in the form of plain water or herbal tea.
The main benefits of detox drinks for weight loss:
- They improve the work of your digestive system and you become healthier in general.
- They reduce swelling of the tissues due to the elimination of excess liquid in your body.
- They improve the quality of skin, nails,
and hair. - There help to get rid of various chronic diseases and even allergies.
- The general state of health becomes better, the body is more toned and hydrated.
- Detox diet reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure.
- They speed up the metabolism which also can lead to weight loss
The duration of detox cleanse can be from 3 to 21 days.
Detox food
Even though this post is mostly devoted to detox drinks for weight loss I would like to touch upon the topic of detox food. Combined with drinks it can be even more effective.
Everything that a person eats affects his health and appearance. Excess sweets, saturated fats, smoked or fried foods can cause you to
Besides, there are many external toxins like poor ecology, stresses, plastic, domestic chemicals etc.
That’s why it’s important to “declutter” your body from time to time. Some products can help you do that even on a daily basis:
- Brown rice. Helps to remove excess water and toxins.
- Leafy greens. They contain lots of fiber that cleanses your gut.
- Carrots. Clean the kidneys and improve digestion
- Lemon. Contains antioxidants, fights toxins and reduces cholesterol
- Beets. Helps to prevent constipation and cleanses the gut
- Garlic. Cleanses the blood from toxins and cholesterol
- Detox method can include other products as well: fresh salads, soups, superfoods, cereals, healthy raw desserts.
In order to see the results from detox drinks for weight loss, you have to prepare properly. There are some foods you need to avoid a week before your detox program (and during the program, of course):
- Meat and poultry
- Fried and too fatty food
- Sweets and pastry
- Bread and bakery
- Alcohol and coffee
All these products contaminate your body so try to eliminate them as much as possible.
Besides that, try not to stress your body with exhausting fitness activities. During the detox it is better to avoid consuming excess medicines, vitamin complexes, using cosmetics and perfumes. And take a
Preparation for detox can take from a week to a month, it all depends on your individual conditions and an innate love for green salads and fresh juices. Don’t just jump into detox immediately without any preparation: the body may simply not cope with the
The best detox drinks for weight loss
Our internal detoxification system includes the kidneys, gut, liver, skin and lymphatic system. If any of these organs don’t work properly you can see an
Detox drinks can help with that. They improve digestion, blood circulation, help your liver work more efficient, clean the gut and enrich your body with healthy nutrients.
Your aim to consume 2,5-3 litres of liquid every day, where 2 litres are for vegetable drinks, and 1 litre is for fruit/berry drinks. Sometimes they can be changed for herbal teas.
Again, as I’ve mentioned earlier you can do detox up to 21 days. But be careful, don’t do it for too long as it can be harmful.
In the following paragraphs, I will share with you the best detox drinks for weight loss: juices, smoothies, herbal teas
Detox juices
Fresh juices are very popular nowadays. They are considered very healthy as they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Besides, they are easy to digest and give your body lots of energy.
But you have to keep the following facts in mind:
- Juices are very concentrated and can cause allergy
- In you have issues with insulin (as in case with PCOS) never drink fruit juices. Choose vegetable unsweetened juices and smoothies.
- Juices can increased acidity of gastric juice. If you have any gastrointestinal disease it’s better to consult your doctor before trying juice detox.
- In general, it’s not a good idea to use juice as a meal replacement. Again, juices are concentrated. You can drink juice first but then have a proper food.
In order to cleanse the
Juice with citruces and carrots
For this simple recipe you need:
- 1 green apple
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 3 medium carrots
Just peel everything except apple and put into your juicer. You can add water to taste.
Spinach juice
- For this recipe you need the following ingredients:
- 50-100
ml water - 50 g Chinese cabbage (you can use young green cabbage)
- 50 g spinach
- 1 green apple
- ¼ lemon
- 1 tsp ginger
- ½ bunch celery
Just cut everything up and make a great cleansing juice. You can also use some sweetener like raw honey or stevia.
Berry juice
- 200 g blackberry
- 100 g grapes
- A handful of fresh mint
- 200 ml coconut water
Make a juice from berries and mint, and then add a coconut water. This drink has amazing taste and flavour while providing your body with antioxidants and minerals.
Juice bordo
- 2 medium beets
- 3 medium carrots
- 1 apple
- 1 tsp fresh ginger
Peel everything except apple and make a juice. It has beautiful bright color and refreshing taste. Beet helps to prevent constipation and improves digestion in general. If you suffer from these problems definitely give this juice a try as poor digestion may be the cause of weight gain.
Pineapple juice
- 1/2 ripe pineapple
- 1 green apple
- 1 tsp fresh ginger
Mix everything together to make a divine bright-yellow juice for weight loss.
Detox smoothies
I really love smoothies as I find them extremely delicious and nutritious. Besides, when I finally got my dream blender Nutribullet I became even more into smoothies. But if you are looking for detox drinks for weight loss you should be careful with smoothies as most of them are pretty high in sugar and calories. But there are ways to make this awesome drink more “weight loss friendly”.
You can use different recipes or even create your own but I would recommend you to avoid too sugary ingredients like bananas and dates if your aim is weight loss. You can change them for pumpkin, zucchini, apple, frozen mango or pineapple.
Green pear smoothie
- 1 medium cucumber
- Juice of
½ lemon - 1
cup water - 1 cup leafy greens
- 1 medium pear
This detox drinks for weight loss is very simple but delicious at the same time. Cucumber helps to cleanse the body from toxins, greens provide you with many vitamins and minerals, lemon contains Vitamin C and improves digestion.
Pineapple and kiwi smoothie
- 1 ripe kiwi
- 1 cucumber
- ½ ripe pineapple
- Juice of 1 lemon
This fresh smoothie is not only very delicious due to pineapple and kiwi fruits but it also very beneficial for your immune system.
Watermelon smoothie
- 4 medium pieces of watermelon
- 1 grapefruit
- 1
cup water - Raw honey or stevia
- Ice (optional)
Peel the grapefruit very thoroughly to remove all the bitter parts. Combine with other ingredient and blend well. This smoothie is very good for weight loss as it is low in calories but high in water content.
Berry smoothie
- 1
cup frozen berries - 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 cup almond milk
- Ice (optional)
Blend everything together until smooth and leave for about 5 minutes to get more creamy texture from chia seeds.
Detox tea
Another type of detox drinks for weight loss is tea. If you want to improve your health, boost energy levels and speed up a weight loss process then you need to start your day with a cup of delicious vitamin tea.
Spicy detox tea
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp ginger
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp raw honey
- 1,5
litres water - ¼ lemon
Peel fresh ginger, cut and put in a pan with water. Put to boil on high heat and then simmer for 10 minutes. Add turmeric, cinnamon and pepper. Simmer for another 5 minutes.
This tea is effective as ginger and turmeric reduces inflammation and cleanse liver, pepper boosts metabolism, cinnamon balances the blood sugar levels.
But be careful. If you have any stomach issues this tea can be too harsh for you. You can try to drink it during the day or choose another recipe.
Herbal teas
Herbal teas are great examples of detox drinks for weight loss. You can try the following teas to get the results quickly:
Camomile has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, mild laxative effect.
Green tea is full of awesome qualities. It has antioxidant properties and removes free radicals from the body. If you drink real green tea without sugar – it will help to clean the liver. You can read my other post to learn more about Green tea for weight loss.
Ginger tea becomes more and more popular these years. There is no doubt, its most important advantages are the antioxidant effect and the boost of metabolism.
Another amazing tea to use to get rid of toxins is echinacea. It will be also useful for those who often suffer from infections, colds, viruses.
Mint tea contains many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements that play an important role in the process of detoxification. If you drink 2 cups of mint tea a day – you will solve all the major digestive problems.
You can also use some premade detox drinks for weight loss like these gorgeous teas:
Baetea 14 Day Acai Detox (contains acai berries that are really rich in antioxidants)
Detox water
We all know that drinking water is very important for maintaining health. But by adding a few ingredient in it we can make a great detox drink for weight loss. This drinks cleanses the body, increases protective functions, improves metabolism and tones all cells.
People drinking detox water regularly notice the increase in energy, strengths and lightness in the body.
Detox waters infused with fruits, berries, veggies,
In general, water can help to speed up weight loss especially when you drink cold water.
How to prepare detox water for weight loss?
In a nutshell, you can use any fruits/berries you have at home. You put them in a glass jar, add water and keep in a fridge overnight. It allows
In the morning you may want to take it out of the fridge. As it is better to drink detox water when it has a room temperature (it can take about an hour).
Use pure water or sparkling water. The daily amount of detox water is 2-2.5 liters which is divided into 5-8 shots.
All the recipes below require about 2
Detox water with cucumber and citruses
- 2-2,5
litres water - 1 cucumber
- 0.5 grapefruit
- ¼ lemon
- A handful of mint
Peel grapefruits thoroughly to avoid bitterness. Cut everything up with big chunks or circles. Put into jar of water and place to the fridge.
Blueberry and Orange detox water
- 1 orange or 2 clementines (cut in circles)
- 1 handful of blueberries
- 2
litres water
This beautiful and delicious detox drink for weight loss is rich in vitamin C that boosts metabolism and improve the quality of your skin. Blueberries are full of antioxidants and fiber which is good for weight loss and gut health.
Lime and Lemon water
- 1 lemon
- 3 limes
Both lime and lemon are great sources of vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and fight cancer. They also helps with digestion and improves the quality of skin.
Classic cucumber water
It’s one of the most popular recipe for weight loss water. Cucumber has almost 0 calories and helps with detoxification a lot. The recipe is crazy simple. You just need to cut 1 medium cucumber into circles and put in your water. That’s all!
Apple cinnamon water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 green apple
This water has amazing flavour. But it also helps to reduce appetite and improve digestion.
Mint strawberry water
- 15 strawberries
- 1 lemon
- 5 mint leaves
Lemon and pepper
- 2 tbsp lemon/lime juice
- ½ tbsp honey
- 1/10 tsp chili pepper
This drink promotes weight loss as it contains pepper that consider to be a fat burning spice.
Pineapple and orange water
- 1 orange
- ½ cup pineapple
This detox drinks for weight loss is tropical, fresh and vibrant. Pineapple and orange make it full of vitamin C that improves metabolism and tones skin.
Strawberry kiwi water
- 2 kiwi
- 1
handful strawberries
Detox water with kiwi is one of the most powerful drinks. This exotic fruit is full of dietary fiber, which helps to remove excess sodium from your body. If you consume too much salt, you can start with this drink to improve your health and start losing weight. Kiwi also contains a
Basil and grapefruit water
- 1 grapefruit
- 5 basil leaves
Grapefruit, like many citrus fruits, will give a real antioxidant blast to this drink. It is proved that grapefruit promotes a healthy weight loss as the enzyme found in grapefruit boosts metabolism. Even inhaling a little bit of this citrus aroma will slightly raise your metabolism.
Basil leaves give this drink a special charm. In addition, basil has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is filled with vitamin A and potassium that are necessary for heart health.
As a wrap-up:
Detox aim is to clean your body and therefore speed up the process of losing weight. Detox drinks for weight loss help to boost metabolism, start self-healing processes and increase the energy levels.
You can’t rely on detox drinks alone. But if you already try to eat
It especially helps when you struggle to consume enough water every day. Sometimes you just forget about it or maybe you don’t like drinking water in general. These flavourful and beautiful detox drinks can help you to build a new habit.
Feel free to ask any questions you have in the comments below. And please share this post if you find it helpful. It will allow other people to see it and get some value from it as well.
Jane x
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